DarkClaw Reborn

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Many years ago, I started DarkClaw Studios. It has been dormant for too long. I can’t tell you exactly why, but lately I’ve been having a feeling. Not just an intellectual knowledge, but an emotional truth, that the time for DarkClaw Studios — is now.

I have some idea of what lies ahead. The sheer amount of work involved, designing this website, booking conventions and of course the process of making the books (my favorite part by far) can all seem daunting. But in that DarkClaw Now truth there is the simple realization: these are the things I want to do.

There is no time to waste. One day, it will be a day that will feel like it came sooner rather than later, I will be dead. Old age will come to claim me and despite what I hope will be my best efforts to kick it in the dick, none of us win that last battle.

But I can win today’s battle. I can write the next script, hear the voices, write what they’re saying, listen to them; and spill them on the page, clean them up, and go through the process that ends up with my imagination becoming available to you.

I can choose not to settle. Because resignation would be bullshit. And small, and cheap. Some of you will like my stuff, some of you will love it, and I am sure there are some sick weirdos out there for whom I am not their cup of tea. No worries, still love ya, if you want to pass my message on to someone you’d think DarkClaw is their thing, I’d love you all the more for it.

So here’s to enough piss and vinegar to getting the job done. The truth is the entire time the graphic comic was dormant, the voice never stopped. The idea didn’t take up residence in another author’s imagination. This is my torment to bear alone. Unless you are willing to bear it with me.

Thanks in advance, guys.

All the Best,




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