Me sucking in my stomach at the DarkClaw Studios table.



The story I was told is I was born at Coney Island Hospital and was immediately transferred to the Manhattan Hospital for Special Surgery. Doctors had to operate on my hand over a period of almost two years. I do have early memories. Doctors, nurses, being in a bassinet and being really pissed about that mom person being far away. My mom liked to tell a story about a nurse who would steal me every once in a while. Can’t really blame her, I was a cute kid. Which, somehow, my mom got used to. I don’t remember that but don’t have any reason to believe Mom was lying.

As a child, “I was born that way” was my response to a question I was asked all the time. Adults are less curious, and that’s unfortunate. We need to learn more about each other, ask whatever you want. For real, it’s cool.

For the record, nothing “happened” to my hand; the Universe just needed a sick, twisted imagination to make badass comics a few decades later.

I had the best childhood.  Super Friends, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, Saturday Morning Cartoons, He-Man, Transformers, G.I.Joe and Thundercats; a High School career that saw me cutting class to go to the library to read Stephen King, an illustrious Dungeons and Dragons roster of dickish characters, including a romp through “DarkClaw Mountains” in one of my friend’s games. Horror based landscapes in my own campaigns still happen to this day.

Born with a blessing that made me approach life my way, learning how to do everything MY way, how to tell my story MY way: this is where DarkClaw Studios was born.

DarkClaw Studios became an actual thing a few years ago answering the challenge to create original content.

Today, DarkClaw Studios has been reborn, rebranding the flagship title.

We are looking forward to returning to the horror science fiction convention circuit, getting our physical copies into local stores and to creating the next issue in the flagship series, DarkWake.

Our Vision, our Mission…



DarkClaw Studios was born from a vision. We create the content we want to see more of: Captivating and disturbing science fiction, fantasy and horror comic books. Storytelling that is unique, unapologetic, and beautiful to behold.



Independent media that speaks to the truth of who we are, the demons we face and the courage it takes to face them, to go through them and heal others when we emerge on the other side. The DarkClaw mission is to give permission to all dreamers who previously and falsely believed their dreams weren’t vital enough to make a reality that not only are their dreams wanted, but necessary.